Sherman Park

The national media have been covering the Sherman Park neighborhood in Milwaukee this weekend. The Bibliography of Metropolitan Milwaukee includes eight sources that provide some deeper historical context about this historically integrated neighborhood.

Geenen, Paul H. 2012. Sherman Park: A Legacy of Diversity in Milwaukee. Charleston, SC: History Press.

Hagner, Julie Anne. 1986. “A Study of the Crime and Safety Attitudes of the Residents of the Sherman Park Neighborhood of Milwaukee.” Master’s thesis, Master of Science in Management, Cardinal Stritch College-Milwaukee.

Historic Milwaukee, Inc. 1994. Spaces and Traces: Sherman Park, Pride in Craftsmanship. Milwaukee: Historic Milwaukee.

Historic Milwaukee, Inc. 2004. Spaces & Traces Home Tour: Grant & Sherman Boulevards: Diversity in Design. Milwaukee: Historic Milwaukee.

Mead & Hunt, and Milwaukee Historic Preservation Commission. 2012. (Interim) Intensive Survey Report: Sherman Park Neighborhood, City of Milwaukee. Milwaukee: Mead & Hunt.

Saltman, Juliet. 1990. A Fragile Movement: The Struggle for Neighborhood Stabilization. New York: Greenwood Press.

Schell, Jonathan. 1987. History in Sherman Park: An American Family and the Reagan-Mondale Election. New York: Knopf.

Valent, Edward, and Gregory Squires. 1998. “Chapter Six: Sherman Park, Milwaukee.” Cityscape 14 (2): 105-30.

If you know of other sources that should be on our list, please contact the editors.



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