1973 photograph of the Billy Mitchell Scottish Pipe Band performing at Summerfest, showcasing the historic connection between Milwaukee's Scottish community and modern culture.
From the Historic Photo Archive of the Milwaukee Public Library. Reprinted with permission. Link to Image Source URL
Portrait of Bishop Kemper, the first Episcopal missionary bishop in Wisconsin, taken in 1855. He was a prominent figure in establishing the Anglican religion in the midwest.
Postcard featuring the general offices and plant of the Blatz Brewing Company.
Greetings from Milwaukee: Selections from the Thomas and Jean Ross Bliffert Postcard Collection, Archives. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Link to Image Source URL
Postcard illustrating boaters on the Milwaukee River, produced between 1907 and 1909.
Greetings from Milwaukee: Selections from the Thomas and Jean Ross Bliffert Postcard Collection, Archives. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Link to Image Source URL
Postcard created between 1932 and 1945 illustrating the administration building and landscaping of the Boerner Botanical Gardens.
Greetings from Milwaukee: Selections from the Thomas and Jean Ross Bliffert Postcard Collection, Archives. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Link to Image Source URL
Photograph of Bohemian Hall taken in June 1960. Opened in 1895 on the corner of 12th and Vine Streets, the hall served as a popular cultural gathering space for Milwaukee's Czech community.