Photograph of Esperanza Unida, or "Mural of Peace," painted by Reynaldo Hernandez on the side of a building on W. National Avenue in the Walker's Point neighborhood.
Photograph of the 1980 Festa Italiana procession winding through a crowd of people. The procession features flags, religious and cultural figures, and people in traditional clothing.
From the Historic Photo Archive of the Milwaukee Public Library. Reprinted with permission. Link to Image Source URL
An interior photograph of the former First Church of Christ, Scientist located on Prospect Avenue. Built in 1907, the building is now used as a venue for weddings and other events.
From the Historic Photo Archive of the Milwaukee Public Library. Reprinted with permission. Link to Image Source URL
The German sense of conviviality and comfort animated social gatherings among Milwaukeeans of various ethnic backgrounds, even at this “Hard Time party” taken by Roman Kwasniewski in 1924.
From the Archives Department, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries, Roman B. J. Kwasniewski Collection, 1886-1980. Photographs, 1907-1947. UWM Manuscript Collection 19, Box 140, Glass Negative. Digital Collection: Milwaukee Polonia, Old Digital ID: kw000619, New Digital ID: kw014254.