In 1947, the JUNIOR LEAGUE of MILWAUKEE founded a blood center to deliver blood from donors to patients.[1] By 2012, the BloodCenter of Wisconsin annually provided more than 300,000 units of blood to medical centers in 29 counties.[2] It also investigates health treatments and conducts scientific research. For example, in collaboration with other research centers, Blood Center staff discovered a rare blood group phenotype (1961), completed the first bone marrow transplant for aplastic anemia using non-related donors (1981), and produced the first treatment for Protein C-deficient infants (1983).[3]
Footnotes [+]
- ^ The Milwaukee Junior League terminated its formal sponsorship of the BloodCenter in 1954 to pursue other projects. “Blood Center Director Will Be Honored,” The Milwaukee Sentinel, April 6, 1949, 11; BloodCenter of Wisconsin, “A History of Advancing Patient Care,” accessed July 1, 2013; “League Leaves Blood Center, Eyes New Job,” The Milwaukee Sentinel, May 11, 1954, 1.
- ^ BloodCenter of Wisconsin, “BloodCenter of Wisconsin Facts and Achievements,” accessed July 22, 2013.
- ^ BloodCenter of Wisconsin, “A History of Advancing Patient Care”; WSAW-TV Local News and Weather Authority, “Wanted: Blood,” accessed July 1, 2013.
For Further Reading
Sever, Lowell E. “ABO Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn; An Analysis of a Series of Cases from the Milwaukee Blood Center.” M.A. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1968.
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