Postcard of the Public Service Building in 1908. The Public Service Building was a hub of Milwaukee's twentieth century transportation and electricity infrastructure.
Greetings from Milwaukee: Selections from the Thomas and Jean Ross Bliffert Postcard Collection, Archives. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Link to Image Source URL
Milorganite was produced through the activated sludge process developed at the Jones Island Treatment Plant. This 1981 photograph shows the pump and mixing channel.
From the Library of Congress Historic American Engineering Record Collection. Link to Image Source URL
The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Vernon, in use for worship from 1854 until the 1930s and restored in the 1970s, is an example of Greek Revival architecture listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
From the Wikimedia Commons. Photograph by Wikimedia username Vintagepix. Link to Image Source URL
1944 UW-Milwaukee yearbook photograph featuring Japanese-American artist and then-student Ruth Asawa. Asawa is seated in the front row, fourth from the left.
From the UWM Yearbooks Collection. Archives, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Link to Image Source URL
Postcard featuring the Schlitz Brewing company plant.
Greetings from Milwaukee: Selections from the Thomas and Jean Ross Bliffert Postcard Collection, Archives. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Link to Image Source URL
View of brewery looking East across 3rd Street (now Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive). The Joseph Schlitz Brewery and the Pabst Brewery were the largest of the Milwaukee beer makers. The Milwaukee plant of Schlitz Brewery was closed in 1980.
From the Milwaukee Neighborhoods: Photos and Maps 1885-1992 Collection, Archives. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries.
Link to Image Source URL
Surplus hay from local farmers is sold at Market Square (now, appropriately, the Haymarket Square area) to in-town users such as the fire department, milk dairies, and vegetable vendors.
From the Historic Photo Collection of the Milwaukee Public Library. Reprinted with permission. Link to Image Source URL