[1] Mark Noll, The Old Religion in a New World: The History of North American Christianity (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2002), 252.
[2] Robert Nesbit, Industrialization and Urbanization, 1873-1893, vol. III. The History of Wisconsin : (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1985), 217.
[1] Jean Esch, and Jean Claude Muller, Luxembourger Emigration to the United States (Luxembourg: [Publisher Unclear], 1986), 2; “Luxembourgers in Wisconsin,” Wisconsin Historical Society, http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/dictionary/index.asp?action=view&term_id=11078&keyword=luxembourgers, last accessed August 20, 2012.
[2] Esch and Muller, Luxembourger Emigration to the United States, 8, 10
[2] Annual Report 2015, 10, 84, ManpowerGroup, accessed April 20, 2016, direct link at http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/MAN/5044924314x0x880836/8C9C7DA9-1086-47DE-AE3F-FFD6136FF67A/Manpower_2015_AR_LR.PDF, last accessed August 23, 2017.
[1] Thomas J. Jablonsky, Milwaukee’s Jesuit University: Marquette, 1881-1981 (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2007), 14-16; Steven M. Avella, In the Richness of the Earth (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2002), 25, 27, 38, 43-49, 55-56.
[2] Jablonsky, Milwaukee’s Jesuit University, 16-23; Avella, In the Richness of the Earth, 31, 40, 51, 56, 57; Raphael N.
[1] Ellen D. Langill, Powered by Our Past: 150 Years of Marshall & Ilsley Bank, 1847-1997 ([Milwaukee]: M&I Corporation, 1997), 115; Cary Spivak, “M&I’s Dead End,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, July 9, 2011.
[2] Paul Gores, “It’s Official: M&I Is Absorbed by Canada’s BMO,” Milwaukee Journal
[1] Ellen D. Langill, “Speaking with an Equal Voice: The Reform Efforts of Milwaukee’s Mary Blanchard Lynde,” Wisconsin Magazine of History 87 (1) (Fall 2003): 18-19.
[2] Genevieve G. McBride, “Helpmeets, Hausfrauen, Hellions, and the Missing Majority in Milwaukee History,” in Perspectives on Milwaukee’s Past, eds. Margo Anderson and
[1] Zachary Schrag, “Urban Mass Transit in the United States,” EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. May 8, 2002, http://eh.net/encyclopedia/article/schrag.mass.transit.us, last accessed October 1, 2016, now available at http://eh.net/encyclopedia/urban-mass-transit-in-the-united-states/.
[2] Before the County acquired it, the City of Milwaukee attempted on
[1] Lee Hawkins, Jr., “Master Lock Moving Headquarters out of City,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, November 1, 2002, https://news.google.com/newspapers?id=RKkaAAAAIBAJ&sjid=JUEEAAAAIBAJ&pg=5112%2C771606; John Schmid, “Master Lock Reassessing China,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, January 1, 2011.
[2] Fortune Brands, 2015 Annual Report, February 25, 2016, [20], accessed April 6, 2016; “The Master Lock Company,”
[1] Henriette M. Heinzen and Hertha Anneke Sanne biography, 1940, pp. 3-4, box 8, folder 1, Fritz and Mathilde Anneke Papers, Wisconsin Historical Society. Anneke’s father was a counselor of the king’s domains, enabling the family to live in the castle of Blenakenstein.
[1] Among the first pioneer butcher shops in Milwaukee were those of August Greulich, Edwin Dickerman, and Ralph Johnson, who opened shops in or around 1840. Paul E. Geib, “‘Everything but the Squeal’: The Milwaukee Stockyards and Meat-Packing Industry, 1840-1930,” Wisconsin Magazine of History 78, no. 1 (Autumn 1994): 4; Margaret Walsh, The Manufacturing Frontier: Pioneer Industry
[1] Norman H. Engbring, An Anchor for the Future: A History of the Medical College of Wisconsin, 1893-1990 (Milwaukee: Medical College of Wisconsin, 1991), 3.
[1] Genevieve G. McBride, foreword to A Milwaukee Woman’s Life on the Left: The Autobiography of Meta Berger, ed. Kimberly Swanson (Madison, WI: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 2001), vii-viii.
[2] Michael E. Stevens, “A Political Partnership: The Marriage of Victor and Meta Berger,” Milwaukee History 19 (Autumn 1996): 96.
[1] William Blake, Cross and Flame in Wisconsin: The Story of United Methodism in the Badger State (Sun Prairie, WI: Commission on Archives and History Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Church, 1973), 31.
[2] Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies, “U.S. Membership Report” (Association of Religion Data Archives, 2010), accessed March 31, 2017; Charles Yrigoyen, Jr. “
[1] Dionicio Nodín Valdés, Barrios Norteños: St. Paul and Midwestern Communities in the Twentieth Century (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2000).
[2] Joseph A. Rodriguez and Walter Sava, Latinos in Milwaukee (Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 2006), 10.
[3] John Gurda, The Latin Community in Milwaukee’s Near-South Side
[1] While born and raised in Riedlingen, Miller gained most of his brewing experience in Sigmaringen, Hohenzollern, John Gurda, Miller Time: A History of Miller Brewing Company, 1855-2005 (Milwaukee: Miller Brewing Company, 2005), 2-15; Thomas C. Cochran, The Pabst Brewing Company: The History of an American Business (New York: New York University
[1] Don Walker, “How Valuable Is the Name ‘Miller Park’?” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “The Business of Sports,” July 11, 2011, last accessed July 12, 2016.
[2] Miller Park Information, Facts & Ground Rules, MLB.com, last accessed July 12, 2016.
[3] Don Walker, “Plenty of Fanfare Planned,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, April 6, 2001; “Fit to Be Tied: